Study Regulations
- Course-specific study and examination regulationsfrom 7.7.2022 (German)
- Course-Specific Examination and Study Regulations (English)Unofficial reading version
What's new?
- The master's program in physics is offered in English.
- Prospective foreign students do not need proof of German language skills.
- Individual modules may be offered in German, provided that all participating students agree.
- International applicants without German language skills can take the module "Deutsch A1.1 CEFR" in the elective section.
- The range of modules is greatly expanded and offers a broad spectrum of physics topics in accordance with the research profile of the Institute of Physics and other institutions:
Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung, Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenforschung, DLR-Institut für Solar-Terrestrische Physik, Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie, Department Leben, Licht und Materie der Interdisziplinären Fakultät
- In the master's program in physics, students have the option of choosing one of the six tracks of study offered, which is noted on the transcript.
- In the chosen track of study, specific compulsory modules and compulsory elective modules from the compulsory elective catalog of the field of study must be completed. In addition, the research phase including the master's thesis must be carried out in the corresponding research area of the track of study. Elective modules up to 18 credit points can be chosen from other tracks of study.
- Students should choose a track of study no later than the fifth week of lectures in the first semester. Upon request, students can later deselect the track of study and, if necessary, choose a new track. For concrete planning of studies, the student should consult the departmental study advisor in advance.
- If none of the tracks of study is chosen - for example due to a change of university or the completion of the research phase including the master's thesis in a field of research that is not represented, elective modules can be chosen from all six tracks. For concrete study planning, it is recommended to visit the departmental study advisor.
- In the chosen track of study, specific compulsory modules and compulsory elective modules from the compulsory elective catalog of the field of study must be completed. In addition, the research phase including the master's thesis must be carried out in the corresponding research area of the track of study. Elective modules up to 18 credit points can be chosen from other tracks of study.
The four-semester Master's program is divided into compulsory modules (Pflichtmodule), compulsory elective modules (Wahlpflichtmodule) and non-physical elective modules (Wahlmodule). In the compulsory area, four modules with a total of 60 credit points must be studied. There are six compulsory elective areas corresponding to the tracks of study, in which modules amounting to 54 credit points are to be studied. In the elective area, modules with a total of six credit points are to be studied.
The focus of the first two semesters is the teaching and consolidation of sophisticated scientific concepts and methods of physics. In the "Advanced Research Laboratory", students acquire knowledge and skills in experimental and theoretical projects from the field of research of the working groups of the Institute of Physics. In the elective area (Wahlbereich), knowledge is acquired in other scientific fields or in the area of soft skills. Examples are: Renewable Energy Sources, Physical Chemistry of Water, Introduction to Microbiology, Structural Analysis: NMR, Deutsch A1.1, Professional Internship.
The research phase in the third and fourth semester focuses on the introduction to challenging scientific research work. In the third semester, the modules "Research Phase 1: In-depth Know-ledge Acquisition" (12 CP) and "Research Phase 2: Method Training" (12 CP) provide the skills of experimental and theoretical practice as well as the necessary special knowledge at the forefront of the chosen field of study. Both are equally required for the execution of the independent research project in the context of the Master's thesis in the fourth semester.
Upon successful completion of the master's program in physics, students earn the academic degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.). The completed track of study is shown on the certificate.